In addition to practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture styles since 2010, Mari has been studying and practicing Ishizaka Ryu since 2003. She has had great results promoting overall health and wellness using TCM Acupuncture points on the limbs, head, abdomen, chest, back and ears. Ishizaka Ryu is a highly effective Japanese style of Acupuncture that was passed down to Mari through her family lineage. With this method she works with Acupuncture primarily along the spine and other areas to restore vitality and wholeness to the organs and muskuloskeletal system and vibrancy to the whole body. It is wonderful for acute conditions, pain and chronic illness. Mari was awarded “Best of Oakland” in 2018 for her work in Gynecology and Obstetrics.
A key element of Mari’s practice involves sitting down on the first session to connect with her clients. She takes the time to understand their specific set of challenges, and uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) methods of Tongue and Pulse diagnosis to develop a customized treatment plan including nutritional and lifestyle assessment and recommendations, and the assessment of the most effective modalities to use in each individualized session to support the client in reaching their healing goals.