Jade Chrysanthemum Virus Block and Root Down & Rise Deep Immunity
Jade Chrysanthemum Virus Block and Root Down & Rise Deep Immunity
Essential Chinese Herbal Oil Blends: Based on these formulas I am offering a set of 2 Essential Oil Blends with the powerful Essential Oils of Chinese Herbs. These oils are amazing in that they are to be used topically (although the Deep Immunity formula can be ingested as well.) They are called Jade Chrysanthemum Virus Block and Root Down & Rise Deep Immunity. The Virus Block is to be used 3 days 3x/day followed by the use of the Deep Immunity formula for the same amount of dosages and days, then rotating back to the initial formula to repeat the same etc..This allows for the pure assimilation of each herbal blend while offering the body a chance to more effectively integrate both blends.
Jade Chrysanthemum Virus Block is used to stimulate and strengthen the Wei (defensive) Qi and ward off viruses. It features such herbs as Bo He, Chen Pi, Jin Yin Hua (Clears heat and eliminates toxins, antibacterial, significant antiviral properties, inhibits SARS-CoV replication), Ju Hua, Lian Qiao (clears heat and eliminates toxins, reduces levels of inflammatory cytokines (COVID-19 causes a dysfunctional immune response called “cytokine storm” wherein the virus attacks the body’s tissue triggering the body’s own immune system to attack the pathogen as well as the healthy human cells. This causes inflammation in the airway and a type of scarring called fibrosis in lungs which can lead to acute respiratory distress and multiple organ failure—THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO AVOID WITH COVID-19), Xing Ren, Huang Qi (strengthens Spleen Qi, Yang, Lung, and fortifies Wei (defensive) Qi defending against foreign pathogenic factors, and protects against viral infections. It is a long and short term immunostimulant-meaning it promotes the production of T cells that gobble up viruses and activates B cells which remember viruses).
Root Down & Rise Deep Immunity is used to warm and strengthen the adrenals, the center or spleen/stomach, and the deep immunity and features such herbs as Chuan Xiong, Ding Xiang (warms the digestion, strengthens the Kidney Yang, and is antiviral), Gan Jiang (warms the digestion and lungs, restores the yang, dissolves phlegm, warms the channels, dispels cold and dampness, reduces levels of inflammatory cytokines), Huang Qi (strengthens Spleen Qi, Yang, Lung, and fortifies Wei (defensive) Qi defending against foreign pathogenic factors, and protects against viral infections. It is a long and short term immunostimulant-meaning it promotes the production of T cells that gobble up viruses and activates B cells which remember viruses), Wu Wei Zi, and Yun Shan (supports overworked adrenals- calming or stimulating- whichever is needed, opens the lungs, dissolves phlegm and prevents cough.